I love drawing and i love storytelling, comics is the perfect marriage of the two! Here are some comics I've created in my downtime.
Carrying Weight
A comic created in light of the Murder of George Floyd and the BLM protests of June 2020. Creating this helped me sort through a lot of negative emotions I had in the midst of the protests and social reckoning America and the UK had with regards to its deep-rooted societal issues with racism. I would say the message I want people to take from this is to be more empathetic, and to know your history (the good, the bad AND the ugly), as it greatly shapes the world around you and the biases you may form as you go through life.

My Hair and Me
A short comic for Burn all books
A comic created in association with Burn all Books, a print shop based in San Fransisco. It talks about the expereiences i had growing up as a black girl in the UK, Proceeds from the zine went to the DeDe McClure Bail Fund and the San Diego Queer Housing Fund.